
Deodato Carvalho de Serpa

Birth: 1934-12-09 Died: 2015-06-26

Visitation Date:

Visitation Location:

Service Date: 7/3/2015

Service Time: 11:30:00 AM

Service Location: Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Service Address: 315 Walker Street. Coquitlam, B.C.

Reload Image

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :I know this is a difficult time for all members of Deodat's family. It's a time when you need comfort and understanding words of encouragement- even though time helps to heal the pain of loss. When you get a moment- please find comfort in the words found at Job 14:14- 15 where it reminds us all that those we've lost will wake up again- and we will have them back with us once more. Please find comfort in this promise. Tender regards- Larry

Larry Moniuk

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