
Luis Mendonca Machado

Birth: 1933-01-24 Died: 2012-03-15

Visitation Date: 3/21/2012

Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Chapel

Service Date: 3/23/2012

Service Time: 11:00:00 AM

Service Location: Our Lady of Mercy

Service Address: 7455 - 10th Ave. Burnaby, B.C.

Rest in Peace

Reload Image

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :My sincere condolences to Senhora Georgina- Betty- Luis and families. Senhor Luis was a great man and will be forever missed by all who new him. May he rest in peace.

Lisa (Araujo) Boerescu

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Thank you- Padrinho for being such a great and giving person. You were a part of my life right from the humble beginnings with my parents. Your compassion and ever humorous self will always be remembered. Love You! Abel


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