
Maria da Gloria Massa

Birth: 1923-02-11 Died: 2012-03-17

Visitation Date: 3/20/2012

Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Chapel

Service Date: 3/22/2012

Service Time: 12:30:00 PM

Service Location: Our Lady of Fatima Church

Service Address: 1423 E. 13th Ave. Vancouver, B.C.

Rest in Peace

Reload Image

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time of sorrow. We send our deepest sympathy to you all.

Terry and Carm Arruda

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Our deepest sympathy to all the family. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time. Tony & Maria Arruda

tony and Maria Arruda

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