Birth: 1944-07-22 Died: 2007-07-25
Visitation Date: 7/26/2007
Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Home
Service Date: 7/31/2007
Service Time: 11:00:00 AM
Service Location: St. Mathew's Parish
Service Address: 16079 - 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C.
Rest in Peace
Date :30 Nov -0001
Tribute :A verv special person.
constance petley
Date :30 Nov -0001
Tribute :Madonna and Bess were best friends and I- as Bess; younger sister- loved to soend time with them. Madonna was always very kind to me and I loved to listen to the two of them. My condolences to Madonna's daughter and to the Hall family. Hazel
Hazel Dyke Clarke