
Norberto Laranjo Garcia De Castro

Birth: 1952-03-27 Died: 2022-02-07

Visitation Date:

Visitation Location:

Service Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Service Time: 10:00 A.M.

Service Location: Holy Cross Parish

Service Address: 1450 Delta Avenue, Burnaby, BC

Reload Image

Date :14 Feb 2022

Tribute :Norberto Was a kind hearted Gem of a person who always took the time to Talk to me . i saw him build his buisness from home renovations to major developer . he will be sadly Missed. My condolances to his Family

Ray De Fazio

Date :20 Feb 2022

Tribute :Noberto was an extraordinary person he was good to his wife, children and grandchildren. Heaven gained an angel he is the presence of Jesus. Noberto is in no more pain. My condolences to family.

Teresa Medeiros

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